Getting Started & Understanding your data

Thank you for choosing IBEAMS as your preferred management system. We hope to deliver at the best value the market can offer.

1. Set academic year

Most data such as classes, fees etc. is different for each other. Once the year has finished, the data should be available whenever you need it in the future. For this reason, an academic year (also used as the financial year to keep the data manageable and connected) is added first. Ensure these dates are correct.

Starting mid-year?

If you have registered to the system mid-year or a couple of months after your year has started, we advise you only set your academic year to the actual start date if you backdate your data such as register entries, fees received etc.
If it's not viable to do so, you can start the current year from the beginning of the month so all new data is up to date immediately and previous records can be kept on your previous database/spreadsheet/paper records etc.

2. Add Teachers & Classes

Students are added to classes and classes are assigned to teachers. So the next step would be to add the teachers.
Adding teachers from [Menu] School > Teachers will allow entering detailed information for each teacher. However, you can add the teachers dynamically while adding the classes with basic required information only. So you can skip the detailed information to start off and enter it later by editing the teacher.
When adding the class and selecting the main teacher, the last option is to add a new teacher dynamically.
You will also notice the age groups here, you can customise the age group to whatever range you want from Settings > Year & Age Group (button on top of page)

3. Add Students

Now you can add the students and add them directly to classes. To see all 3 steps in a video, please see Students > Import CSV (Adding) topic on the help menu.

4. Set Fees Structure

Please go through the help topics under "Fees" to understand how the fees works.
A quick overview for you:
You must let the system know the fees structure for this academic year. Next year you will set the structure again in case it's changed.
Once the structure is set, you can now generate invoices for all students for the entire year. All invoices will be unpaid. As you collect payments, you will add those payments to the invoices.
Please see the help topic "Fees Structure" to understand how this initial process works.

5. Other Steps

Add your logo
Adding a logo improves the quality of user experience on portals, PDF's and emails sent out. See the "School Profile" help topic for more information on logo.
You can also set your public data such as address and which emails to use for financial emails, general emails etc.
Go through settings
Go to the settings page and start customising everything to your needs to get the best out of the system.

Date format guide