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You will see a daily register and you will see monthly register buttons on the Register dashboard.
With monthly registers, you can log the total number of absenses and lates. There will be no daily record.
IMPORTANT: The data from monthly registers are used on the end of term/year reports.
There are no daily records. E.g. January 2020:
Student 1: 3 x absent and 1 x late
Student 2: 0 x absent and 0 x late
The system will automatically calculate the number of days present from the class open days factoring holidays. As you can see, there is no way to know on which days a student was absent. This is useful if you have your own register entry system and want to use the final tally to fill this only once per month.
With daily register you can log each and every day.
Based on the entry, you have additional features to:
There's regular confusion that a student is showing in a class after the student has been moved. The following information will help:
Only the monthly is required. If you fill the daily register only then you can use the data from the daily register to auto-fill the monthly registers.
This can be done from the register dashboard and also you can automatically set for this to be done on the main system dashboard from Dashboard Settings.