
You can add any products you sell on this store whether it's for cash or paid via merits.

To add a product:

  1. Go to Products in the menu, then Inventory.
  2. Click the Add Product button
  3. Give it a title, a description is not yet required.
  4. Add the price, if it's only for Merits, you can put the price as zero and it will not show up in the store.
  5. Specify the number of merits required to buy this product using the merits. If it's not available for merits, leave it as zero or blank.
  6. Specify the stock, if it's zero it cannot be ordered. The stock decreased automatically once ordered and paid for. If it's refunded or deleted, the stock returns automatically.

Remember to enable it on the parent portal if it's disabled from Settings > Parent Portal:

  • To view products available for merits, it will be available in a link on the top.
  • If it's available for merits, the parent only needs to select the name under the product annd if there's enough merits they can purchase it immediately.


  • Once the item is ordered, an invoice is created for the parent. They can then pay by card or if they have direct debit setup, it will automatically get processed the next day
  • Once the payment is in, you will receive a notification on the dashboard for undelivered products.
  • Click that link to mark each product that has been delivered as "Delivered"