Student Diaries

This is an addon feature which you will have to subscribe to from the system page unders subscriptions.
The student diary is a daily log or log by subjects recording the following information:
  • Subject/Description
  • 1-5 stars to mark how well the topic was learned.
  • Target date to complete.
  • The date it was completed
  • Teacher comment
  • Parent's comment

Diary Structure


The subjects should added from the subjects page found under "Exams/Tests" - The only use of the subjects list was for the exams and tests but now it can be used for the diaries so the subjects menu item might move location in the near future.

You can also click on "Subjects" from the main diary page if you're subscribed.


Assign subject and give the syllabus a name. E.g.
History Level 1 (Subject: History)
History Level 2 (Subject: History)
Seerah Level 1 (Subject: Seerah)

Syllabus Items

Once you have your syllabus, you can start creating the list of subjects the topic covers to track the progress of the student in the diary. Each item will be marked as complete by the teacher once it's finished so whatever requires progress tracking, marks or comments it should be listed here.

Syllabus Assignment

So far, you've created the syllabys, you've added the list of things the syllabus covers. The only thing left now is to assign that syllabus to a class (or multiple classes). The assigning will be much easier if the Syllabus names were named well such as appending "Level 1" "Year 1" "Ages 7-8" etc. to the syllabus name.

Basic Tutorial

Assuming all your subjects are already added:

1. Add Syllabus

From the Student Diary page, click "Manage Syllabuses" to view your syllabusses. The table will be empty if you've not yet added any.
Click "Add Syllabus" to add a new syllabus:
  1. Select the subject
  2. Give the syllabus a name e.g. Hadeeth Book 1 or Hadeeth Level 1
  3. Click the "Add" button
You can repeat this step for all your syllabusses.

2. Add Syllabus Items/Specs

Once the syllabus is added, it will appear on the table.
Click "Manage Syllabus" on the one you've added:
  1. You will see a list of all specs. Remember to read all the blue text as that's always helpful information.
  2. Start adding the requirements for that syllabus. Whatever the students will cover under that level that you want to track the progress of should be added. For example, for Hadeeth Level 1:
    • Introduction
    • What is Hadeeth
    • Hadeeth 1 - On silence
    • Hadeeth 2 - Salaah is key
  3. Note: Click "+ New Item" to add a new row, you don't have to save it after each one. Save it once after adding 10 or so items.
  4. And so on. Or it can be simply be "Book 1, Chapter 1" followed by "Book 1, Chapter 2"
  5. Creating a syllabus is only suitable if you know what the student will cover or if it's based on a textbook.
  6. Otherwise you don't have to add a syllabus and simply use the "open diary" which is by default available for every class for each students. If a student is in 2 classes, the student will have 2 open diaries. One for each class.
  7. Once saved, you can also re-arrange the items by using the drag button on the left (requires mouse, may not work on touch devices)

3. Add the syllabus to a class

From the main Student Diary page, click "Syllabus Assignments"
From here you can see which syllabus has been assigned to which classes. Each one will become a separate diary.
Remember, you only have to add the syllabus once. Every year you only have to assign it to the new classes.

Multiple Diaries

Every student has a general open diary by default for manual entries. All syllabus subjects assigned to classes will also show for each student

Hifz Diaries

The diaries supports Hifz entries
The Hifz diary enables you to enter entries based on "Memorisation" (commonly known as Sabaq), also, "Recent Revision" (commonly known as Sabaq Dawr) and "Revision" (commonly known as Dawr)

Step by step guide:

  1. First create a Hifz subject so the system know which diary should load with Hifz options. Go to Student Diary > Manage Syllabuses Now
    • See if there's a button at the top that says "Create Hifz Syllabus"
    • If there isn't, you've already created it. If it's available, first do this step
    • Click "Create Hifz Syllabus"
    • Choose the subject that is for Hifz. If it doesn't exist, first go to Exam & Tests > Subjects and create a Hifz subject first then return here again.
    • Click "Create Diary Syllabus Now" to finalise the subject that'll be used for Hifz diaries.
    • Once done, remember, Edit/Manage Syllabus/Delete options will be disabled for this subject on this page
  2. Now assign the Hifz diaries to the classes that do Hifz.
    • Student Diary > Syllabus Assignments
    • Click "Assign Syllabus to Class"
    • Choose the Hifz subject
    • Tick all the classes that have the Hifz diary
    • Click "Assign Syllabus"
Your Hifz diaries are now ready.