Fees Adjustments

Fees Adjustments are discounts or additions to the structure.
It is important this is understood before using:
  • If the student pays a different amount to what's in the fees structure for the school or class, you will add an Adjustment.
  • The adjustment will apply to invoices that are generated AFTER the adjustment is added.
  • If you've already generated the invoices, you can use the feature provided to adjust existing invoices AFTER adding the adjustment.
  • The adjustment can be a negative amount for discounts or a positive amount for higher fees.
  • The adjustments are hooked to the academic year so you'd have to migrate the adjustments if it still applies to the new year

Adjustment for individual students

Fees adjustments are used to adjust the termly fees for individual students. For example, a discount of £5.00 for every 3rd child or extra £2.50 per term for a students who have extra time. You can do this easily from Fees > Fees Adjustments.

How to add Fees Adjustment:

  1. Go to Fees > Fees Adjustment
  2. Click `Add New Fees Adjustment`