End of Term/Year Report

Step 1: Create the Report

Student reports cannot be generated unless a Report is first created. For example at the end of half term, you can create a report entitled "2021 Half Term". Once the report is created, admin staff and teachers can start adding reports for students. Go to Menu item 'EOTY Reports' > 'Manage Reports' and click to create a new term report.
Title Give it a distinguishable title. This will be visible at the top of all generated reports.
Term ending day Exams, attendance and incidents are calculated before the date provided here. Anything after this date will not be on the report.
For Academic Year This allows you to create reports for the previous year if you've already started a new academic year.
Status The status determines whether it's available for parents to download or if teachers can still update the reports. When creating a new one, this should be set to "ACTIVE" meaning it's an ongoing report for the management and not yet READY to send.

Step 2: Enter report data

There are 2 types of data on the reports:
  1. Automated data:
    • Attendance
    • Incidents (tally only)
    • Exam results
  2. Manual report data
    • Behaviour
    • Progress
    • Effort
    • Comments/Report
The automated data is taken from other tables and cannot be customised. For example, if the register says the student was absent 3 days, you cannot change this on the report. To change this, the actual register much be updated.
There are 2 ways to enter the manual data:
  1. By teachers via Teacher Portal
  2. By admin staff

Teacher Portal

When a report is ACTIVE, the teacher will see the status on the dashboard with a message to complete it.

Manual Entry

The manual data is very easy to enter. A mark between 1-5 is given for behaviour, effort and progress. These marks are then translated into sentences automatically. You can customise these sentences from 'EOTY Reports' > 'Paragraph Templates'
In addition to the automated sentences, the teacher can also type a manual report for each student which is appended to the paragraphs in the report (if entered)

Admin Control

The admin staff can view all the report scores entered by teachers, modify it, generate and view reports from the Overview page. The overview can be accessed by clicking the report title on the EOTY main page and also by clicking the Overview button on any row.

Step 3: Finalise

Once ready, admin staff can use the Generate button on the main EOTY page for the report and preview the reports, send by email to the primary contacts and other tools available on the generate page. If you want to allow parents to download them from their portal, remember to set the status to READY. Unless this is done, the teachers will always be able to update and modify the records.