End of Term/Year Report

How it works - Overview

Important To Remember:
When you create a report on the system, it's empty and ready to use the data you've entered to generate individual reports. When creating a report by clicking "Add new end of term report", you will give it a title, provide the term ending date, set the year it belongs to and set the status. Each one will be explained in the guide. At this point, the report is ready to take data.
  • Reports are generated using the following data:
    1. Monthly register for attendance
    2. Daily register for active month only
      This means that if the report date you provided when adding the report is in the current month, it will use the daily register logs to determine attendance otherwise it will use the monthly register to calculate the attendance. Please see the topic Registers > Daily vs Monthly to understand this better if you need.
    3. Exam results entered under Exams/Tests. The reports will add all official exams entered to in the academic year that took place before the date of the report.
    4. Student reports added by teachers or admin staff. This is the behaviour, effort and progress scores given by teachers that get converted to sentences for the report.This will be explained further in the step by step guide.
  • Once ready, you can generate the reports from EOTY > Generate [Under each report] and:
    • You can print a single PDF printing
    • You can generate individual reports and tick the Send option to send it immediately by email
    • You can also send individual reports by email from EOTY > [Click Report] > [Choose Class] > View Student Reports > Generate & Send
    • Parents can download it from parent portal. It may be a good idea to send a newsletter to inform them of the available reports on the parent portal.